That way you will never ever overlook or miss a single loan payment. It will enable you to generate clear and easy to read repayments calendar. Our new calculator should help you get on top of your loans. When the number of loans gets bigger than 2 or 3, managing all repayments can be quite challenging. Managing Multiple Loans in One Excel SpreadsheetĪn average consumer usually maintains multiple loans in parallel. It has some additional features (like extra repayments or interest compounding options) which are not included in the Multiple Loan Calculator. However, if you are looking for a great calculator for only one loan (or mortgage) then instead of this one we recommend using this: Excel Amortization Schedule Calculator for Loan Repayments. As you know, in most cases people as well as businesses don’t have just one loan. This advanced Excel calculator is designed to simultaneously manage Amortization Schedules for Multiple Loans.